Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mama Italiano... Oy Vey!

Every once in awhile Mama would sing songs or speak in Italian in the nursing home. I was always surprised at this because I don't remember hearing much Italian spoken in our home. All I remember are the curse words or Italian words for the foods. We were American and my parents didn't speak Italian. I feel cheated, so much for our roots. I can remember her pot roast more than her lasagna.

Vin: I've never heard you speak so much Italian before.
Mama: I speak more Italian in this place than I did at home! They look at me like I'm crazy but I'm not crazy, I'm Italian!
Vin: No one said you're crazy, but it's funny that you've started speaking Italian now, doncha think?

She doesn't answer, but breaks out singing a few songs in Italian.

(For those of you that can't view the video, click on this link: "Mama Sings Italian" )

Vin: Mama, what the hell are you singing? It's in Italian!!! Do you know what the words mean? Non capisco (I don't understand.) What does it mean?

She starts to translate a few words, I don't know if she's right or just bull sh*tting me again. Besides, I understand Spanish better than Italian, remember I'm from the Bronx!

To add to the confusion, many of the staff at the nursing home speak Italian to Mama (which is really odd because none of them are remotely Italian). It can get pretty comical as Mama plays right along with her version of Italian. Si grazie! Bene, bene. 

I think to myself, what's going on? Where am I and who is this woman? Then I take a few steps back realizing Mama isn't the only one who gets confused these days... Ay dios mío! Oy vey!

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