Vin: What's going on with you today, Mama? You don't seem too happy.
Mama: Not a DAMN thing! Everybody forgot about me.
Vin: Nobody has forgotten you. Did you get any phone calls today?
Mama: Nahh, they're all dead.
Vin: Who is all dead? Whaddya talking about?
Mama: My family - they're ALL dead to me.
Vin: Okay, so you didn't get any phone calls today. Maybe someone will call tomorrow?
Mama: Nahh, no one is gonna call me - not even Aunt Jo... then I remembered she was dead. What the hell am I talking about - trying to get a phone call from a dead woman?
She starts to laugh hysterically & we gotta laugh with her. At least we were able to help change her mood & all was forgotten... for the moment.