Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mama Loved Her Rainbow Parade

Douglass & I are back "home" in NYC for a visit. It's Gay Pride & we pass by the nursing home where Mama lived before we all moved to California. We remember how much Mama loved her "Rainbow Parade."

It didn't matter to Mama about Gay, Straight or whatever (she was definitely ahead of her time). She just loved the fact that she was able to sit on the bench outside of the nursing home & be entertained all day long. She enjoyed the parade & those that passed by gave Mama some extra attention because she was having so much fun. She'd recall the time when a bunch of men dressed as nurses sat with her on her bench & kept her laughing until she wet herself! 

Not too much phased Mama - we were ALL the same to her. One year during Pride we took Mama to a lesbian restaurant for brunch that was nearby. After we got seated & started eating, Douglass asked her if she knew that she was eating at a famous lesbian hangout... her response was "it's all the same shit. Who gives a damn? I love the french toast here". 

As Pride unfolds all around us this year & DOMA is repealed, we remember the fun times with "Anna with a Z" in the Village at her Rainbow Parade.

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Having Your Daily Dose of MAMA DRAMA? If you're a Caregiver or an  Advocate of someone with Alzheimer's or Dementia, show your support with Dementia-Mama-Drama Products. A portion of sales will go to "Leeza'a Place" an organization for Caregivers & Support. Please click on our shop: Dementia-Mama-Drama Shop 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sundaes with Mama

The rare amount of times Douglass & I are able to fly first class (thanks to rewards miles) I think of Mama & her one & only airplane flight. She never flew her entire life, but we made sure she was booked on a first class ticket to bring her with us from NYC to CA.

We were both worried that she might freak out & not do well on the flight. But we hadda plan, we kept her entertained the entire trip by singing & watching video clips of old musical numbers. When this didn't work, we'd plug her into our iPod, but the earplugs kept falling out & she'd curse & carry on... it was quite comical. She kept saying that she loved the flight & felt like the plane was hardly moving. She was in seventh heaven eating nonstop & lucky for us they served lasagna! But the biggest treat for Mama was when they rolled the ice cream cart down the aisle & she had a big custom made sundae. 

We remember this every time the ice cream cart rolls out in first class & think - this one's for you Mama!

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Twitter: @DementiaMama

Having Your Daily Dose of MAMA DRAMA? If you're a Caregiver or an  Advocate of someone with Alzheimer's or Dementia, show your support with Dementia-Mama-Drama Products. A portion of sales will go to "Leeza'a Place" an organization for Caregivers & Support. Please click on our shop: Dementia-Mama-Drama Shop