Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Roller Coaster Ride - Memories of Mama

As a child I was always terrified of rollercoaster rides. I didn't like them... I even got nose bleeds the few times I tried to buck up and enjoy them. But I didn't like them and I'm certain part of my neurosis was instilled in me from Mama. All I heard from her was "be careful", "watch out", "you're gonna get hurt", "it's dangerous"... the list goes on. She was extremely over protective and neurotic of many things, but then again "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." 

Many years later when I became a caregiver for Mama and rode the "roller coaster ride of Alzheimers" with her, this redundant term brought a new meaning to me. I realized that eventually we all have to face our fears and ride the roller coaster.

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